PokeClass Extra!

Welcome to the hub of PokeClass Extra! This section of my site is going to feature everything else that I don’t cover in videos such as more News, Interviews with top players, Updates about the trading card game and other projects!

I’m even planning the making of special one-off videos that will feature here exclusively so make sure you check back often for all the best content, best of all, it’s all FREE!



Click the image to the left to access in depth interviews with top players from across the globe.

Latest: Kyle “Pooka” Sucevich talks about his 3rd year in a row of getting Top 4 at US Nats!




The Testing Zone

Click Professor Oak’s face to go to the testing zone where you will find a complete library of competitive decks and have a chance to discuss with others about every aspect of them including how to play them, what techs to include and how well you’ve personally done with them.

Latest: 19th July 2011: Reshiram/Typhlosion & Donphan/Yanmega/Zoroark pages added!





Click on King Meowth to go straight to the Store where you’ll find highly competitive cards which are usually hard to find. Collectors may find some hidden treasures too!